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你好2024-4-26 19:54
  值得背诵的美文 发表于 2008-08-15 21:45:22  1楼 
1. Every Living Person Has Problems 人人有本难念的经
单词与词组 Words and phrases
ingredient  n. 组成物 tough  a. 坚强的
soar v. 高涨 perceive v. 觉察
mirage  n. 海市蜃楼 profanity  n. 亵渎
positive a. 实际的 setback n. 挫折
cop out 逃避 initiate  v. 开始,发起
bottom line  基础 predicament  n. 困境
stick... out  坚持 lifespan  n. 生命期限
thaw  v. 融化,溶解
What︵is the secret ingredient︵of tough people▼ that enables them to succeed?↘ Why do they survive the tough times▼ when others are overcome by them? ↘Why do they win when others lose? ↘ Why do they soar when others sink?↘
The answer is very simple. It's all︵in how they perceive their problems. Yes, every living person has problems. A problem-free life is︵an︵illusion-a mirage︵in the desert. Accept that fact.
Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its low point. Life has its ups︵ and downs,↗ its peaks︵ and its valleys.↘ No one is︵ up all the time,↘ nor︵ are they down all the time. Problems do end. They are all resolved︵ in time.
You may not be able to control the times, but you can compose︵ your response. You can turn your pain︵ into profanity -or into poetry. The choice︵ is︵ up to you. You may not have chosen your tough time, but you can choose how you will react to it. For instance, ↗ what is the positive reaction▼ to a terrible financial setback?↘ In this situation↗ would it be the positive reaction to cop︵out and run︵away?↗ Escape through alcohol, ↗ drug,↗ or suicide?↘ No! Such negative reactions only produce greater problems▼ by promising a temporary solution to the pressing problem. The positive solution to a problem▼ may require courage to initiate it. When you control your reaction to the seemingly un-controllable problem︵of life, then︵ in fact you do control the problem's effect︵ on you. Your reaction to the problem is the last word! That's the bottom line. What will︵ you let this problem do to you?↘ It can make you tender↗ or tough.↘ It can make you better↗ or bitter.↘ It all depends︵ on you.
In the final︵ analysis, the tough people who survive the tough times do so▼ because they've chosen to react positively▼ to their predicament. Tough times never last, but tough people do. Tough people stick︵ it︵ out. History teaches︵ us that every problem has︵ a lifespan. No problem︵ is permanent. Storms︵ always give︵ way to the sun. Winter always thaws︵ into springtime. Your storm will pass. Your winter will thaw. Your problem will be solved.
背诵小贴士 Recitation tips
1. secret ingredient, tough people, survive-overcome, win-lose, soar-sink.
2. perceive problems, illusion.
3. peak, low, ups and downs, end, resolved.
4. control times, compose response, react, financial setback, positive, negative, control reaction, last word.
5. react positively, tough times, tough people, stick out, permanent, storm-sun, winter-springtime.
2. If I Were a Boy Again 假如我再回到童年
单词与词组 Words and phrases
perseverance  n. 毅力 surmount  v. 爬上顶端
pyramid n. 金字塔 school  v. 锻炼
cultivation  n. 培养 frown v. 皱眉
courtesy n. 礼貌
If︵ I were︵ a boy again, I would practise perseverance more often, and never give︵ up︵ a thing because it︵ was hard or︵ inconvenient. If we want light,↗ we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes︵ equal genius in︵ its results. "There︵ are︵ only two creatures," says︵ a proverb, "who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle↗ and the snail."
If︵ I were︵ a boy again, I would school myself︵ into a habit︵ of attention; I would let nothing come between me↗ and the subject︵ in hand. I would remember that▼ a good skater never tries to skate︵ in two directions︵ at︵ once. The habit ︵of︵ attention becomes part︵ of︵ our life, if we begin early enough. I often hear grown-up people say ,"I could not fix my attention on the lecture↗ or book, although I wished to do so," and the reason︵ is, the habit was not formed︵ in youth.
If︵ I were to live my life over︵ again, I would pay more attention to the cultivation︵ of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and, on︵ every possible occasion. It takes︵ a little hard work︵ at first ▼to remember things︵ accurately; but memory soon helps︵ itself, and gives very little trouble. It︵ only needs early cultivation▼ to become︵ a power.
If︵ I were︵ a boy again, I would look︵ on the cheerful side. Life︵ is very much like︵ a mirror: if you smile︵ upon︵ it, it smiles back︵ upon︵ you; but if you frown︵ and look doubtful︵ on︵ it, you will get︵ a similar look︵ in return. Inner sunshine warms not︵ only the heart︵ of the owner, but ︵of all that come︵ in contact with︵ it. Who shuts love︵ out, in turn shall be shut from love.
If︵ I were︵ a boy again, I would school myself to say "No" oftener. I might write pages︵ on the importance︵ of learning very early in life▼ to gain that point ▼where a young boy can stand︵ erect, and decline doing an︵ unworthy act▼ because it︵ is︵ unworthy.
If︵ I were︵ a boy again, I would demand︵ of myself more courtesy▼ towards my companions︵↗ and friends, and︵ indeed towards strangers ︵as well. The smallest courtesies︵ along the rough roads︵ of life▼ are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season︵ of︵ ice︵ and snow▼ more endurable.
Finally, instead︵ of trying hard to be happy, as︵ if that were the sole purpose︵ of life, I would, if︵ I were︵ a boy again, try still harder to make others happy.
背诵小贴士 Recitation tips
practise perseverance, develop a habit of attention, strengthen memory, look on the cheerful side, say 'no' oftener, show more courtesy to others, to be happy is not the sole purpose of life.(这是一篇非常好的文章,作者用平常的话语道出深刻的生活哲理,希望能给您增添勇气和智慧。)
3. Three Days to See 给我三天光明
单词与词组 Words and phrases
incredulous a. 怀疑的 note  n. 注意
symmetry  n. 对称 birch n. 白桦树
bark  n. 树皮 velvety  a. 柔软的
texture n. 质地 convolution  n. 卷绕
lush a. 青葱的 pageant  n. 庆典
panorama n. 全景 compulsory  a. 必修的
dormant  a. 睡眠的 sluggish  a. 行动迟缓的
I have︵ often thought it would be a blessing▼ if︵ each human being were stricken blind↗︵ and deaf▼ for︵ a few days︵ at some time▼ during his︵ early adult life. Darkness would make him more︵ appreciative︵ of sight, silence would teach︵ him the joys︵ of sound.
Now︵ and then I have tested my seeing friends▼ to discover what they see. Recently I was visited by a very good friend▼ who had just returned from︵ a long walk︵ in the woods, and︵ I asked her what she had︵ observed. "Nothing︵ in particular," she replied. I might︵ have been︵ incredulous. Had︵ I not been︵ accustomed to such responses, for so long︵ ago▼ I became convinced that the seeing see little.
How was︵ it possible, I asked myself, to walk for︵ an︵ hour through the woods▼ and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see▼ find hundreds︵ of things to interest me through mere touch. I feel the delicate symmetry of︵ a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin︵ of ︵a silver birch,↗ of the rough bark︵ of︵ a pine. In spring I touch the branches︵ of trees hopefully▼ in search︵ of︵ a bud,↗ the first sign︵ of awakening Nature▼ after her winter's sleep. I feel the delightful,↗ velvety texture︵ of︵ a flower,↗ and, discover︵ its remarkable convolutions; and something︵ of the miracle︵ of Nature▼ is revealed to me.
Occasionally, if︵ I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on︵ a small tree▼ and feel the happy quiver︵ of︵ a bird︵ in full song. I am delighted to have the cool waters︵ of ︵a brook▼ rush through my open fingers. To me▼ a lush carpet︵ of pine needles↗ or spongy grass▼ is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. To me▼ the pageant︵ of seasons is︵ a thrilling↗ and︵ unending drama, the action︵ of which▼ streams through my finger tips.
At times▼ my heart cries︵ out▼ with longing to see all these things. If︵ I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight. Yet, those who have eyes apparently see little. The panorama of color↗︵ and action▼ which fills the world▼ is taken for granted. It︵ is human perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have▼ and to long for that which we have not, but︵ it︵ is︵ a great pity▼ that︵ in the world ︵of light the gift︵ of sight is used︵▼ only as︵ a mere convenience▼ rather than︵ as︵ a mean︵ of ︵adding fullness to life.
If︵ I were the president ︵of︵ a university, I should establish︵ a compulsory course▼ in "How to Use Your Eyes."The professor would try to show his pupils▼ how they could add joy to their lives▼ by really seeing what passes unnoticed▼ before them. He would try to awake their dormant↗︵ and sluggish faculties.

4. The Value of Time 时间的价值
单词与词组 Words and phrases
Forfe v. 丧失 deduct n. 扣除
portion n. 部分 recoup  v. 赔偿,补偿
treble v. 增为三倍 incalculable  a. 不可计算的
"Time," says the proverb, "is money". This means that every moment well-spent▼ may put some money into our pockets. If ︵our time is︵ usefully employed, it will either turn︵ out some useful︵ and important piece︵ of work▼ which will fetch︵ its price︵ in the market, or︵ it will add to our︵ experience▼ and increase︵ our capacities▼ so as to enable︵ us to earn money▼ when the proper opportunity comes. Let those, who think nothing of wasting time, remember this.
Our life is nothing more than︵ our time. To kill time is therefore▼ a form︵ of suicide. We are shocked▼ when we think︵ of death, and we spare no pains,↗ no trouble,↗ and no expense to preserve life. But we are too often indifferent to the loss︵ of︵ an︵ hour↗▼ or︵ of︵ a day, forgetting that our life︵ is the sum total︵ of the days▼ and︵ of the hours we live. A day or︵ an hour wasted is therefore▼ so much life forfeited. Our life︵ is︵ a brief span▼ measuring some seventy↗ or eighty years︵ in︵ all.
But nearly one third︵ of this has to be spent in sleep; some years have to be spent over ︵our meals; some︵ in making journeys︵ on land↗ and voyages by sea; some︵ in merry-making; some︵ in watching︵ over the sick-beds︵ of ︵our nearest︵↗ and dearest relatives. Now︵ if︵ all these years were to be deducted from the term▼ over which our life︵ extends, we shall find︵ about twenty↗ or thirty years at︵ our disposal for︵ active work. Whoever remembers this▼ can never willingly waste︵a single moment︵ of his life.
All time is precious; but the time︵ of︵ our childhood▼ and︵ of our youth is more precious▼ than ︵any other portion︵ of ︵our existence. For those︵ are the periods when︵ alone▼ we can︵ acquire knowledge↗ and develop︵ our capacities. If we allow these morning hours︵ of life to slip︵ away, we shall never be able to recoup the loss. Just︵ as money laid︵ out︵ at interest▼ doubles↗︵ and trebles︵ itself︵ in time, so the precious hours︵ of childhood︵ and youth, if properly used, will yield︵ us︵ incalculable︵ advantages.
背诵小贴士Recitation tips
1. Time is money.
2. To kill time is therefore a form of suicide.
3. The time of our childhood and of our youth is more precious than any other portion of our existence.

5. Youth 青 春
单词与词组 Words and phrases
supple a. 柔软的 vigor n. 精力,活力
predominance  n. 优势 temperamental a. 心情变化快的
wrinkle v. 使皱 bow v. 弯腰
lure  n. 引诱 aerials n. 天线
cynicism  n. 玩世不恭
Youth is︵ not︵ a time︵ of life; it︵ is︵ a state︵ of mind; it︵ is not︵ a matter︵ of rosy cheeks,↗ red lips↗ and supple knees; it︵ is︵ a matter︵ of will, a quality of imagination, a vigor︵ of the emotions; it︵ is the freshness︵ of the deep springs︵ of life.
Youth means︵ a temperamental predominance︵ of courage▼ over timidity, of the appetite for adventure▼ over the love︵ of ease. This often︵ exists in︵ a man︵ of 60▼ more than︵ a boy of 20. Nobody grows︵ old merely by a number ︵of years. We grow old▼ by deserting our ideals.
Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give︵ up︵ enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry,↗ fear,↗ self-distrust bows the heart▼ and turns the spirit back to dust.
Whether 60 or 16, there︵ is︵ in every human being's heart▼ the lure︵ of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite︵ of what's next▼ and the joy of the game︵ of living. In the center︵ of your heart and my heart▼ there︵ is︵ a wireless station: so long as︵ it receives messages︵ of beauty,↗ hope,↗ cheer,↗ courage↗ and power↘ from men↗︵ ▼and from the infinite,↘ so long as︵ you are young.
When the aerials︵ are down, and your spirit︵ is covered with snows︵ of cynicism↗▼ and the ice︵ of pessimism,↘ then you are grown︵ old, even︵ at 20, but︵ as long︵ as your aerials︵ are up to catch waves︵ of︵ optimism, there︵ is hope you may die young at 80.
青 春
6. The Personal Qualities of a Teacher 教师的个性品质
单词与词组 Words and phrases
quality n. 品德 rule out 排除
cold-mannered  态度冷漠的 tolerant a. 容忍的
in one's stride 镇定地 irritation n. 愤怒
principle n. 原则
What personal qualities︵ are desirable in︵ a teacher?↘ Probably no two people would write︵ exactly similar lists, but︵ I think ▼the following would be generally accepted.
First, a teacher should be pleasantly lively↗︵ and︵ attractive. This does not rule︵ out people▼ who are not good-looking or︵ even ugly, because many such▼ have great personal charm. But︵ it does rule︵ out such types▼︵ as the over-excitable,↗ dull,↗ sad,↗ cold-mannered,↗ or any with︵ other︵ undesirable qualities.
Secondly,↗ it︵ is not︵ only desirable but essential for︵ a teacher▼ to have real capacity for sympathy-a capacity to understand the minds↗︵ and feelings︵ of︵ other people. Closely related with this is the capacity to be tolerant-not︵ indeed︵ of what︵ is wrong, but︵ of weakness︵ of human nature▼ which induce people, and︵ especially children, to make mistakes.
I find︵ it︵ essential for ︵a teacher▼ to be a bit︵ of ︵an︵ actor. That︵ is part︵ of the technique︵ of teaching, which demands that▼ every now︵ and then ▼a teacher should put︵ on︵ an︵ act to make his lesson︵ interesting↗︵ and vivid. Children, especially young children live︵ in︵ a world▼ that︵ is rather larger than life.
A teacher must be capable︵ of great patience. This, I may say, is largely a matter︵ of self-training. We are none︵ of us born like that. Teaching makes great demands︵ on nervous energy▼ and one should be able to take in his stride ▼countless small︵ irritations▼ any adult dealing with children has to endure.
Finally, I think a teacher should have the kind︵ of mind▼ which always wants to go on learning. Teaching︵ is︵ a job at which▼ one will never be perfect; there︵ is always something more to learn︵ about︵ it. There︵ are three main subjects︵ of study: the subject︵ of subjects which the teacher︵ is teaching; the methods by which they can best be taught to the pupils▼︵ in the classes he is teaching; -by far▼ the most︵ important -the children,↗ young people↗︵ or adults▼ to whom they are to be taught. The two main principles︵ of American︵ education today▼ are that education︵ is education︵ of the whole person, and that yet is best︵ acquired▼ through full ↗︵and︵ active cooperation between two persons, the teacher↗ and the learner.
7. Four Freedoms 四 大 自 由
作者:富兰克林•罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt, 1882-1945),美国第32任总统。
单词与词组 Words and phrases
worship v. 崇拜 inhabitant n. 居民
reduction n. 减少 armament n. 武器
fashion n. 方式 millennium n. 一千年
antithesis n. 对立面 tyranny n. 暴政
dictator n. 独裁者 perpetual a. 永久的
concentration camp  集中营 ditch n. 沟渠
quicklime n. 生石灰 supremacy n. 至高无上
In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world▼ founded︵ upon four︵ essential human freedoms.
The first▼ is freedom︵ of speech↗︵ and︵ expression -everywhere in the world.
The second▼ is freedom︵ of ︵every person to worship God▼ in his︵ own-everywhere in the world.
The third▼ is freedom from want-which, translated︵ into world terms, means economic︵ understandings▼ which will secure to every nation▼ a healthy peace time life▼ for︵ its︵ inhabitants-everywhere in the world.
The forth▼ is freedom from fear-which, translated︵ into world terms, means︵ a world-wide reduction︵ of︵ armaments▼ to such︵ a point▼ and︵ in such︵ a thorough fashion▼ that no nation will be in︵ a position▼ to commit an︵ act ︵of physical︵ aggression▼ against any neighbor-anywhere in the world.
That︵ is no vision of︵ a distant millennium. It︵ is︵ a definite basis▼ for a kind︵ of world that is the very antithesis▼ of the so-called new order︵ of tyranny▼ which the dictators seek to create▼ with the crash︵ of︵ a bomb.
Since the beginning︵ of ︵our American history▼ we have been engaged︵ in change-in︵ a perpetual peaceful revolution-a revolution▼ which goes︵ on steadily,↘ quietly adjusting itself▼ to changing conditions-without the concentration camp↗▼ or the quicklime︵ in the ditch. The world order which we seek▼ is the cooperation︵ of free countries, working together in︵ a friendly,↗ civilized society.
This nation has placed︵ its destiny▼ in the hands︵ and hearts ︵of ︵its millions︵ of free men↗︵ and women; and︵ its faith in freedom under the guidance︵ of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those▼ who struggle to gain those rights▼ or keep them. Our strength is︵ in︵ our unity of purpose.
To that high concept▼ there can be no end save victory.
8. My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of men. Finally whether you are citizens of America, or citizens of the world, ask of us here, the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience of our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth, God's work must truly be our own.--By John F. Kennedy
citizen: n.市民,公民 sacrifice: n./ v.牺牲,献身 conscience: n.良心,道德心
9. I will persist until I succeed.
I will never consider defeat and I will remove from my vocabulary such words and phrases as quit, cannot, unable, impossible, out of the question, improbable, failure, unworkable, hopeless, and retreat; for they are the words of fools. I will avoid despair but if this disease of the mind should infect me then I will work on in despair. I will toil and I will endure. I will ignore the obstacles at my feet and keep my eyes on the goals above my head, for I know that where dry desert ends, green grass grows.
I will persist until I succeed.
I will try, and try, and try again. Each obstacle I will consider as a mere detour to my goal and a challenge to my profession. I will persist and develop my skills as the mariner develops his, by learning to ride out the wrath of each storm.
(from the Scrolls)
10. Life is too short to be little
We men are imperfect beings, so conflicts among us are unavoidable. Inevitably, we sometimes feel injured, insulted, or slighted. Perhaps we put our faith in another, and were disappointed; perhaps we deserved one’s gratitude, and were denied; perhaps we wished to join our efforts to those of a group, and were rejected.
Such experiences are painful indeed, but is it foolish to let them occupy our efforts and precious time? For what does it profit us to dwell on trivial matters? The priceless days should be spent meaningfully, joyfully. How thoughtless to waste the irreplaceable hours reviewing insignificant incidents, bearing a grudge or pitying oneself! Far better to embrace with gratitude the gift of each day to make the most of every moment by filling it with purpose or appreciation.
Consider this thought when next you feel tempted to nurse a grievance: that life is too short to be little!

  回复:值得背诵的美文 发表于 2008-08-17 00:12:38  2楼 
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